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6:30 pm Check-in
7:00 pm Food
7:30 pm Talk begins
9:00 pm Q & A Session
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Registrations are now closed for this event.
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Join us for an exclusive dinner session with Dr. Tom Gibson as he shares invaluable insights on optimizing osteoarthritis management and client communication in clinical practice. Dr. Gibson will focus on how to develop practical protocols within your practice for implementing an effective, proactive osteoarthritis patient care program.
He will underscore the importance of utilizing validated tools to identify early patient risk factors, shifting from reactive to proactive treatment approaches (both surgical and medical) and enhancing client engagement. Involving pet owners in decision making and care can unlock an often-underutilized clinical opportunity to support and enhance both the human-animal and veterinarian-client bonds, the positive effects of which can lead to improved patient outcomes and client satisfaction levels.
The session will also touch upon pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products available within the multimodal toolbox. Dr. Gibson will guide you on recommending products that empower pet owners to navigate the complex market effectively.
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